Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wave Garden

I'm pretty dumbfounded on how the Wave Garden works (I'm guessing an underwater pylon dragged by a motor via cable), but it's mesmerizing and I want one.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Web Shooters in the new Spiderman Reboot

They released a shot for the upcoming Amazing Spiderman movie (2012), and it looks like Spidey has mechanical shooters, true to the comic, versus the bio-splooge wrist orifices of Tobey Maguire circa Sam Raimi's Spiderman.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Direct Development Treat

In a bag factory in the middle of a Philippine jungle, and they pull out these for us. Yay.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

GoPro HeroCam HD

I took the HeroCam HD that my friend Steve sent me out for a test ride today, and I'm pretty impressed with the resolution and quality. I haven't played around with all the settings yet, and it'll take a bit getting used to in the field because there's only a small LCD that only uses a few characters for each mode setting. I'll be attaching a mount to my Santa Cruz Charger surfboard soon, and I'm looking forward to seeing how those videos turn out.

Surfboard Complete!

I've finished the 6'-2" Retro Fish that I've been shaping for some time now, and was able to actually ride it at Linda Mar in Pacifica. The full build sequence photos can be viewed here: Shaping my first Surfboard

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fantasy Design Workday

Courtesy of Lunchbreath and Core77...

The Cavello Cup Roller Derby Championship

We finally saw our first roller derby match, which happened to be a quick walk over to Kezar Pavilion. Some great action, spills, fights, and speed. What I didn't get is the lack of decent protective gear; no real knee pads, hip or tailbone pads, and the helmets looked like filmsy party hats with single straps that didn't keep them on very well.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Celebrate the Dream, Reject the Nightmare

Nice infographic courtesy of David Neiwert on CrooksandLiars.com, on the anniversary of one of the most historic speeches in modern times...and also the day some shock jock used donations to pay for a publicity stunt in DC...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

$38,000 iPhone at 36,000 feet

Not quite sure what Branson is thinking with the diamond studded and 22karat duty-free iPhones, but it's got my attention.

Glassing the Fins

So I have the fins fixed on, finally. I'll have to put another layer of glass on the joint to reinforce it, I don't think I was able to apply the glass rope quite right on the first pass.