Monday, June 26, 2006

Food Design

(tonight's dinner)

So, yeah, I like to cook. I definitely don't act like I always know what I'm doing, but there are flavors and ingredients that I like combining and I find that as long as I don't burn it, I'll usually end up with something that's palpable. I think what I like about cooking is that I can approach it like a design project: carefully choosing components, envisioning a final composition in my mind...and then ignoring all directions and planning, rushing through the process, and ending up with something I didn't want.

In the latest GQ (and also blogged to death on core) there's an article on how Chicago has the best restaurants in America (up for debate, but I don't disagree). They feature restaurants such as Moto and Avenues, whose chefs who also approach food like designers.

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