Wednesday, July 12, 2006

District B13

I just went down to the Little Roxie to watch District B13, a French action movie that's got some of the most amazing stunts I've seen since Jackie Chan's SuperCop. B13 was choreagraphed in the same vain as Ong Bak, with no special rigging (think Matrix without the wires), and an equal disregard to inserting any type of plot, but then that would only get in the way. The stars of the movie are premier LeParkour athletes Cyrill Rafaelli and David Belle. LeParkour being an extreme (I hate that word) "urban gymnastics/climbing/jumping/running" sort of sport. Nike used a few Le Parkour athletes in their Nike Presto shoe campaign a few years ago. There's also this amazing video of some russian kids climbing around some lovely eastern bloc neighborhood.

clips from District B13

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